Hey Everyone!
So, I have a few updates that I’ll be throwing at you all, but it’s too many to put in one post so I’m going to break them up into two days. I have some big plans for 2020 when it comes with the books, and that coupled with some pretty big plans for me in my personal life it’s going to be a busy, and hopefully awesome, 2020.
The first update is with The Gods’ Games Book 2. Editing is going well. It’s slower going this time due to a different way I am editing. As legend goes (and I’ve mentioned it enough times lol) editing A God Among Insects was super fucking hard on me. I was already tapped out just from writing it but editing was brutal. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be and besides my beta readers who read through it and point out any typos/continuity/what-have-you they find, all of this is on my shoulders. I pushed myself way too hard and the frustrating part was that it could’ve been a bit easier on me if I just had taken better notes.
So this time around, I’m not just reading through once, panicking a week before release because it’s not up to my standards, then staying up for days on end reading through it over and over as I slowly go insane (luckily, AGAI was the first time this happened). Nope! This time around I’m reading through each individual chapter three times, the first time just a normal edit, the second is for meticulous note taking, and the third to make sure it still all makes sense with the changes I made, with some more editing and note taking on the side. I’m really loving this new way of doing it because I feel like not only am I helping Future Quil with these nice notes, but the content is better since I’m spending more time on each chapter and adding/tweaking more. So, editing is taking more time but the end result is a better book and I’m excited as shit to apply this method to The Fallocaust Series too. I’m also planning on reading through all of the Fallocaust books while writing Garden of Spiders 2 as well with this method (to help with GOS 2 and to prep for Book 5), which means future Amazon updates will be available that will have any typos I missed taken care of.
Okay, onto the Patreon Peddling!
My Patreon has been a lifesaver for me in the past few years and has helped keep me floating. It also offers some pretty neat rewards as well, including book raffles for signed books, which currently is the only way to get signed books. The tiers start at just a dollar a month and if you pledge 5 bucks you'll get a personalized thank-you card from me, and we're not just talking some bullshit dollar store thank-you card this card features artwork I drew myself on the front and I always write a note inside too. It just gets better from there too, higher tiers have things like signed Fallocaust bookmarks, magnets, stickers, and the 25 dollar reward will have me sending you a drawing I drew myself of whatever character you want from the Fallocaust world or The Gods' Games or Silent Ground. It comes on fancy art paper too and is coloured by fancy art pens also. Like I mentioned there are also book raffles also, and I'll soon be Twitch streaming also and during those streams I'll be doing unofficial Ask Me Anythings and if there's enough interest I'll even read excerpts from previous books or the book I'm currently working on.
I also am going to be adding two new one-time tiers. These one-time tiers are not monthly rewards, but a one-time purchase that offer two pretty neat things: The first one is something I offered a couple years ago as a prize during one of my author friend’s release day party, and it was a huge hit. Basically, you tell me about someone that you absolutely hate, whether it be an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, a childhood bully, or a celebrity (I of course will have to change the name a bit lol) and in an upcoming book (this one is for Garden of Spiders 2) I will write a small role for them… and then brutally fucking murder them. The first time I did this was in A God Among Insects and the character was horrifically killed by none other than Malachy in Candyland. Now it ain’t cheap and there’s only two of these available per book. So, if you have the funds, want to help me out, and you have someone in mind that you want to suffer a horrible, torturous book death, this might be something to consider! (Also, you can just forgo Patreon and do this via PayPal since Patreon does love to take their cut).
The second one is my ‘Write Monkey Write’ reward. It’s where I’ll write you a short story of your choice featuring whatever characters you want. There are some rules, nothing that will be in future books, no spoilers, nothing gross like m-preg or straight stuff of course. It can be as insane as you want (like all the Fallocaust characters are suddenly ducks), or even something simple like ‘A Day in the Life of Ellis’. I can put it up on my website or you can keep it for yourself. I’ll still own it so you can’t like sell it or anything lol but I’ll be your writing monkey and you can use me like the dog I am. That's it! Any and all support would be met with me spinning in happy circles, even if it's just a dollar.
That’s it! Any and all support would be met with me spinning in happy circles, even if it's just a dollar.
There's also some other unique ways of supporting me too. I have an Amazon Wishlist which has just everyday items that I'm always in need of like kitty litter, toilet paper, cat food, batteries, food items, winter clothes, and of course the most saught after: silicone lube.
So there we go, and yes posting such things kills me inside but well, I don’t peddle this that often and I probably should try a bit more, but I have too much pride in myself and I’m sure it’ll be the death of me one day.
As for my book updates I am currently editing The Gods' Games Book 2: Rise of the Stillborn God (working title may change) and I'm hoping to have a release day announcement and cover reveal in the next couple months. I've been editing this book a bit different since note taking has always been my downfall and I always feel like I could be doing a better job going through each chapter. So, instead of going over the entire book twice, I'm now going over each individual chapter three times, then doing another last run through of the book after the beta readers get it. That means editing takes longer, but me spending more time on each chapter has been great for improving the books content. This is going to make the Fallocaust books much easier to edit too and will all-around lead to a happier author and even better books!
Hope everyone is having a great 2020 so far.