Breaking Jade physical book now released!
Breaking Jade is now availible in physical book! It has also been edited and all around it's looking rather amazing.
Right now it's only availible on createspace since it takes 2-3 buisness days for it to be on amazon. If you can please purchase it from createspace since it cuts out Amazon as the middle man and it significantly increases my royalties, and that means I can reinvest my money into editors and expenses from creating the physical book.
Plus the Fallocaust physical book has been updated inside and out! It has an improved back cover and the formatting inside is perfect. Plus I did another round of re-reading/editing so the book in itself looks a lot better as well.
Currently I'm working on The Gods' Games, the cover is done and I'm hoping to be done the book in the next month and a half, then it's on to The Gods' Game companion book.