Severing Sanguine now availible in physical book!
Surprise! One of the projects I've been working on is the physical book of Severing Sanguine and finally, after having to order three proofs since createspace has a tendancy to make the covers dark, I just got my last proof and approved it for sale. Like last time it will still take several days for it to be availible on Amazon but it is availible on createspace and they give me a bigger cut (insanely big, like 8 bucks compared to 3 bucks on Amazon) so if you can please buy it from there.
I'd like to thank Christina for designing the back cover which looks amazing and formatting the front cover for me since I'm stupid when it comes to Adobe. I'm really happy with how this physical book turned out and also happy to finally be finished it. Createspace is a pain in the ass when it comes to covers and since my covers are all dark it was real fun (enter sarcasm) to try and strike a balance since it was either too dark, or when I'd lighten it, too washed out. So I now have two other 'defect' books to add to my 3 Breaking Jade ones and my like 6 Fallocaust ones lol.
After I finish TGG, while I write Book 3 I will be doing a read-through of Book 2 The Ghost and the Darkness, and after I am done that I will be putting it into physical book too! Hopefully, Book 3's physical book will be released at the same time as the ebook copy.