Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality



Fallocaust Book 4 'A God Among Insects' is done, finished, completed. Or at least as completed as it's going to get before the long, horrible editing process that will leave me a crying curled up mess due to fatigue and sore eyes from staring at the computer screen for 12 hours straight.

SO, final/not final word count is a fucking insane 660,000 which is 90,000 more than The Suicide King. This is not a solid number since editing will either increase it or decrease it. What does that mean? Well, it was joked at before, but it looks like the real reality is that this will most likely be my first three volume book. Because of printing limits, I can't publish a single book under 330,000 (and even that needs tweeking) and AGAI pt 1 and p2 isn't perfectly 330k each, and most likely v1 will be bigger since there's a few chapters I plan on putting into it. So, looks like I'm once again a sadistic glutton for punishment, and me letting the book tell me when it should end has lead to... this again.

That's good news for you guys, because it means volume 1 will be released a lot earlier. Bad news for me because god dammit that means I'm going to need to make three covers and those things are just brutal at times. I always seem to pull something out of my ass though, I'm slowly learning to trust myself even when I'm in a panic about whether I'll be able to pull something off.

Now, I'm taking a couple days off before diving into the hellish world of editing. I'd love to take like a week off but I can never seem to do that no matter how much I want to. Once I'm ten chapters in, it'll be sent off to my lovely beta readers and soon it'll be in your guyses hands.

So what do I have to say about this book? Buckle up, buttercup... it's going to be a ride. Like every book... couples will breakup, couples will form, people will die, new and old enemies will come out of the woodwork,and new beloved characters will be introduced and every chimera, mortal, and immortal's foundation is going to be rocked.

Fallocaust is back, Reaver and Killian are back, Elish and Jade, Silas, Reno, and many others. They're all back, but by the end of this book, a few of them are going to wish they werent.